Official Die hard is a Christmas movie change my mind shirt

are harmful and illegal and should force them to rethink what they’re doing,” Archer said. The Justice Department said in the Official Die hard is a Christmas movie change my mind shirt and I will buy this lawsuit that the sheriff’s department’s “eviction campaign” included a document listing more than 250 people it had targeted for eviction. The program in Hesperia required rental property owners to evict tenants when they received notice from the sheriff’s department that the tenants had engaged in alleged criminal activity on or near the property, whether or not the allegations resulted in an arrest, charge or conviction, the Department of Justice said in a news release. It also encouraged landlords to evict entire families when only one household member engaged in purported criminal activity, even survivors of domestic violence, federal officials said. “These ordinances can uproot lives, force families into homelessness and result in loss of jobs, schooling and opportunities for people who are disproportionately low-income people of color,” Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke said in a statement. In one instance, the Justice Department said, a Black woman called police repeatedly because she did not feel safe with her boyfriend at her home. The sheriff’s department then notified her landlord about the domestic disturbances and threatened the landlord with a misdemeanor for violating the crime-free ordinance. In turn, the landlord evicted the woman and her children, federal officials said. With nowhere to go, the family moved into a motel and attempted to rent another home in Hesperia, but her applications were repeatedly denied, the Justice Department said. Unable to rent another home for her family, she was forced to uproot her life, leave a house full of furniture behind and move across the country, federal officials said. “As this settlement makes clear, the Justice Department will continue to fight discriminatory and unlawful ‘crime-free’ ordinances across the country and work to ensure that everyone has fair and equal access to housing,” Clarke said. Deon J. Hampton Deon J. Hampton is a national reporter for NBC News.

Official Die hard is a Christmas movie change my mind shirt

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